Tuesday 22 January 2008

To all the London I'll miss

London is the place for me, e' la mia patria (and here I apologise to those who haven't heard or cannot appreciate my lovely British accent in Italian). It's an amazing city and I will miss it. I will miss the people I'm leaving here, waking up in the morning with my brother Stefano telling me how great it is to have me here, (terrone) dinners with friends and singing Italian songs I don't know (and the few I've learned). I'll miss walking on Waterloo bridge in the evening and looking from the City to the London Eye (in the wind and rain) and thinking "this is why I am in London". I might even end up missing the lopsided stairs of the LSE library!

These few days here have been wonderful, I am so happy I came--and I know I want to come back. I couldn't have received a better goodbye from my friends, I couldn't ask for better friends. I even met up with a friend from elementary school whom I hadn't seen since we were 10, who is studying in London. Seems like everybody ends up here!

Now I'll attempt to organize my luggage and pack everything I left with Stefano in London.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry sweetie. London will remain there waiting for you, and so will Stefano. But you would have regretted not going to Peru and live the adventure of your life.
We're all behind you