Tuesday 27 May 2008

Happiness, honestly :)

THIS is why I came to Peru. It seems obvious to say it now, or an easy explanation, but THIS is the destiny I must have been following. In only 2 weeks working for Living Heart I have regained all my enthusiasm, energy, faith in development work and in people in general.

If you came to visit me now I could show you all the Peru I love--for the first time I would be completely honest in telling you I love it. I could show you why the Sacred Valley is sacred, why one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen is the full moon rising between the mountains as you leave Ollantaytambo at night. I could show you the people in isolated rural communities: the enthusiasm in school children, the courage in women, the dignity in men, I could show you the generosity in so many tourists who walk into Hearts Cafe, and how I was welcomed by the people working there. I could show you the sun drawing a line parallel to the ground in the main square every afternoon at 5 in Ollanta, and the stone houses and and narrow streets. I could show you people who speak only Quechua and tell you the only complete sentence I know: Manan kanchu kolque (keeping in mind the spelling is completely invented, guess what it means? There is no money...).

(Of course, if you'd like, I could also show you the Peru I hate: the lies, the deceptions, people's very Latin way of thinking they're smart and can get around the rules/talk their way through, the constant attempts to rip off gringos no matter how obvious it is you're working for the local communities. Also: the music, and the way you risk your life every time you get on a means of trasportation--actually the constant dilemma between spending the double on a taxi who will drive like crazy risking your life but getting you to destination in a reasonable amount of time, or taking a safer bus but still drivven by someone who thinks overtaking behing bends or driving in the opposite lane ot avoid a hole is completely normal, saving money and wasting lots of time).

I am moving to Ollantaytambo tomorrow, the town is beautiful and I won't have to commute to get back to Urubamba at night. The place where I'll live is also nicer and it's supposedly livelier.
For the first time in months I am really happy, and for the first time since I arrived in Peru I love it and I think I might stay longer than originally planned.

1 comment:

Clelia said...

Il destino ti ha portato lì strappandoti da Londra, al quale mi auguro, egoisticamente che ritornerai. Bellissima la tua descrizione del Perù, l'ho sentita vera in tutte le sue sfumature: dalle positive alle negative. E' stato un pò come stare li con te e vedere con i tuoi occhi. Fantastico.
